Saturday, February 8, 2014

Composing Process

Finding a letter around campus was a fun assignment. I found letters in things I didn't even know existed. I started finding letters from gum on the ground to plants and buildings. I'm not much of a photographer (though I would like to be) so my pictures didn't turn out as great as I thought they would. When I looked at my pictures and tried to edit them on Photoshop, I wasn't very happy with them. I tend to look down on my work (I give myself a hard time) - especially when I look at my classmates work!

However, I tried editing them to the best of my ability. I messed around with a few tools on a letter W that was formed by the roof of one of the buildings. I rotated it and added a few filters on another layer. I was fascinated with the amount of filters and sharpening tools that are on Photoshop.

After speaking with Professor Dean, I realized that I hadn't come up with a theme. My meme is about UCSB registration and pass times, while my letter is a random W. I tried thinking of ways to tie the two together, but since I didn't like how my edited picture of the W even came out, I decided to change it all up.

I think my meme is pretty funny so I wanted to keep it and just try and find another letter picture that I could use. After class, I took a walk around school to see if I could find more letters. I decided that my theme could be UCSB life. I'm a transfer student so UCSB is still new to me. I walk around every day and still admire the campus' beauty and think about how lucky I am to attend such a beautiful school.

I live in IV, across from the dorms that are by the lagoon. So as I was walking home one day, I took a few pictures.
It's a little bit of a stretch, but I see a another "W" in the leaves. I plan to Photoshop the picture to make the W pop out. I'm not sure how I'm going to use the W and add it into the project, but I plan to tie it into UCSB life. I love the picture so I definitely plan on using it no matter what. 

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading about the process you had. It reminded me of mines and how I had to change everything up as well to accommodate a theme. I really like the theme you chose, this campus is the best and I did my podcast about it so it's nice to see I'm not alone in admiring it. After reading your description, I do see the W in the leaves and it will be cool to see how you bring attention to it!


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