Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Class Reflection

Writing 105M was quite the experience for me.

I thought this class was going to be a breeze- a blog post here and there and a few edits on some simple images. Definitely not the case! I quickly realized that multimedia design takes a lot more effort and thought than I had originally assumed.

I also realized I'm not as computer savvy as I would have liked to think. The webbing programs were a lot harder to use than I thought they were going to be.

When we started out the class and started to use Gliffy, I thought it was such a cool new program and was excited that I knew how to use it. I was so proud of my end product and thought I was going to do so great in this class. However, my progress in this course became apparent when I looked back at the basic flow chart that I made and was initially so proud of.  I really like the fact that we started this project at the beginning of the course and finished the course with our final draft because I was able to compare my work and see how far I have come in Writing 105M.

The hardest project for me was the Photoshop project. I could definitely use some more practice with the program. I wasn't extremely happy with my final images. I need some more practice and hours watching YouTube tutorials in order to improve my skills. Photoshop is an amazing program and there are endless possibilities when someone knows how to use it.

My favorite project was the Prezi project! I loved the freedom we got when picking topics. Puppy mills are something that don't get much attention and I love to spread the word and hopefully stop people from shopping at pet stores. I got some really positive comments on my Prezi blog- so I feel really happy and flattered that people liked my project. I'm glad that my passion for the topic and Prezi skills were shown.

Overall, I loved the course. I learned web programming skills that I would have never learned elsewhere. I also learned great tips on how to put together interesting presentations, how to cater to your audience, and how to properly put together multimedia pieces. The readings taught me about how visual images and writing compliment each other in ways I had never thought about. I will always remember the importance of font and images.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree with all the points you made! I realized I wasn't so tech saavy myself and I was super humbled after doing all these projects. I thought the class would be really easy too because Chris is so nice and so fun to be with. I think this class was the most time consuming class I have had to date simply because of all the editing we had to do. I had a lot of fun in this class and your puppy mills prezi was so informative but also heartbreaking! :( It was information that I never thought about so ill definitely think twice when I see puppies in store windows.


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